Company Timeline
Rölli Auctions & Philately: A Success Story
Over a period of 60 years Rolf and Beatrice Rölli developed a passion for stamps. They learnt their craft from the ground upwards and their hobby became a profession. In 1975, they founded our auction house. In 1987 daughter Christina Rölli joined the company. We run our company with great personal commitment and continue with our passion for philately.
Rölli Auctions & Philately Success Story:
2022: The company ceases its auction activities and focuses on online auctions as well as the sale and brokerage of stamps, postcards, coins, etc.
2021: Peter Suter leaves the company for health reasons.
Christina Rölli becomes sole owner and managing director
2018: Renaming of the company to Rölli Auktionen AG and relocation to the current company headquarters in Rothenburg near Lucerne
2016: Re-branding of the company and launch of new website
2013 / 2015: Senior Principals Beatrice and Rolf Rölli-Schär pass away
2010-2017: Implementation of two additional online live auctions
2010: 50th Auction – a wonderful successful event with 220 attendees
2008: Introduction of our live online auction – participating in our auction via the internet becomes a reality
2006: Renaming of the company to Rölli-Schär AG
2005: Relocation to Seidenhofstrasse 2 in Lucerne with our own auction room. New corporate identity and new website
2004: Transfer of management to the second generation of the Rolli Family
2003: Peter Suter joins the business
Since 2001: the catalogue is now produced in full colour, Layout is created in house
1994: Office upgrade to PC based computers
Since 1990: Jürg Horni holds post of Auctioneer
1987: Christina Rölli joins the company
Since 1986: company starts to auction international items
1981-1986: Rolf Rolli-Schär is President of the Swiss Stamp Dealers Association
1985: Office relocates to Seidenhofstrasse 10 in Lucerne
1980: catalogue is produced using magnetic cards and the IBM 360
1977: Office relocates to Luzern the Kapellgasse 21
1975-1990: Peter Frey holds post of Auctioneer
1975: R + B Rölli-Schär AG auction house founded in Horw, Kanton Luzern
1963: Beatrice Rölli-Schär starts to create today’s auction house
1945: Rolf Rolli- Schar begins stamp collecting