«J'ai reçu des excellents conseils et le produit de la vente était réjouissant. La collection de mon père est en de bonnes mains.»
Verena Meier, Vendeuse
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Philately at the Cape of Good Hope
The blue stamps were smuggled out of the South African town of Mafeking on a letter on 9 May 1900. These stamps are the silent witnesses of the prevailing war at that time, the Boer War. These stamps are the witness to the creation of the Scout movement which came about as a result of the war. A secret postal service using children and teenagers was organised in order to be able to maintain contact with the outside world. Over a 100 years later the Mafeking letter turned up at the Rolli Auction. The rarity of such stamps driven by the fascination of the participants at the venue and by online bidders resulted in a memorable battle for ownership.
Zanzibar attraction
Letters travel the world over. So did such a letter which was posted in 1873 from St. Gallen to Zanzibar. Even in this day and age this remote destination still seems exotic. What is even more astonishing is that this letter which probably related to events in the St. Gallen cotton industry found its way back to Switzerland. With great attention to detail Rölli Auctions and Philately prepared and auctioned this unique lot. The exotic nature of this letter rubbed off creating an atmosphere of excitement during the auction until it changed hands at almost 10 times its starting price. Yet another highlight at the Rölli auction.
Homage to a life’s work
It was 1972 when Mr. M. from Lucerne first discovered his passion for Philately. This passion was driven by his realisation that such fascinating but unobtainable art works, were often featured on stamps. Over time Mr. M. amassed a collection of 150 albums which stunned Rölli and Philately Auctions. The collection comprised stamps from the most diverse eras, genres and regions. After his death, Mr. M.’s life’s work was sensitively divided and auctioned by Rölli Philately Auction. A task which could only be taken on successfully by our team as we have the right experience and an eye for detail.
Historical Snapshot of Swiss Wartime
It was during the second world war – a time of rationing due to a shortage of supplies – when the Swiss Postal administration received a complaints form. A resident from Basel complained that they had not received a package containing 10 ration coupons for charcoal. Such ration coupons were painstakingly collected to be used for car engines. Because the consignment was not sent by registered mail the whereabouts of the coupons could not be established. This complaints slip finally ended up in the safe possession of Rölli Philately Auctions where as a piece of Swiss history it awaits a new owner.
Good fortune knows no boundaries
It was always anticipated that the Chinese redband letter from the Asian Philately batch would bring good fortune. In Chinese culture the colour red along with a letter is thought to be lucky. No one predicted that such a spectacular bidding war would break out at the 52nd Rölli auction. After the redband letter found its way to Lucerne two Chinese citizens began out bidding each other via telephone link. Everyone was holding their breath until finally the redband letter changed ownership for an enormous price before starting its 9,000 kilometre journey back home.

Venez nous voir dans notre magasin situé dans la zone industrielle à Rothenburg près de Lucerne

Timbres pour vos affranchissements: regardez donc notre assortiment actuel
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Nous sommes très satisfaits de vos prestations effectuées dans le cadre de la vente de nos collections.
Collectionneur, Canada

74e vente en ligne Rölli | 8 février 2025
La prochaine vente aux enchères en ligne aura lieu le 8 février 2025. Lien vers la 74e vente en ligne Rölli
Mubaphil 2024 – 8-9 novembre 2024
49e Bourse des collectionneurs avec exposition spéciale « 100 ans de la Société suisse d’histoire postale » vendredi 8 and samedi 9 novembre 2024 Messe Basel www.basler-sammlerboerse.ch

Fermeture annuelle en été
Notre entreprise sera fermée du 20 juillet au 13 août 2024. Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir à partir du 14 août 2024.
Disparition de timbres de rationnement
Témoin de l’histoire suisse C’est en mars 1945 que Georg Wenger, domicilié à Reinach (Bâle), dépose une réclamation à la Poste suisse. Son envoi postal adressé au Garage Schmid à Frick n’a pas été remis à son destinataire. Lorsque la réclamation est déposée à la Poste, on est encore dans la période de la 2e guerre
Hommage à l’œuvre d’une vie
L’union de l’art et la philatélie A Paris, par un jour gris de l’année 1972, M.M. de Lucerne se promenait le long de la Seine lorsqu’il aperçut dans la devanture d’un magasin, non loin du Louvre, quelque chose qui le fascina immédiatement. Devant lui se trouvait un timbre-poste français représentant le tableau « Femme au jardin »
La fascination de Zanzibar
Un voyage philatélique et aventureux L’île de Zanzibar, qui fut longtemps un repère pour les pirates opérant dans l’Océan indien, est connue pour ses plages de sable blanc, ses eaux cristallines et ses palmiers à l’ombre bienvenue. C’est ainsi sans doute aussi que devait être Zanzibar en 1873, lorsque la lettre – partie de St-Gall